One Day One Choir for Schools

One Day One Choir is perfect for schools – providing a simple, accessible, inclusive and inspiring activity which connects countless aspects of school life, learning and social engagement.
We love One Day One Choir, engaging with you has united our global school group more than any project we’ve ever done.” – Rachel White-Hunt, BIS Schools Group, Chicago

It fits as well with academic work as it does with social, moral, spiritual and cultural elements of education and gives children and teachers an easy focus to engage with peace and unity.  It also provides the opportunity to involve the entire school community, to link with others locally and to feel connected with thousands and thousands of people globally who will also be singing for peace with One Day One Choir on September 21st.
We couldn’t believe the positive and powerful impact our short peace assembly had on pupils and the school; the children talked about it for weeks. Last year we sent music to our partner school in Malawi so they could join in with us.  It was so inspiring; not only did 500 pupils sing there but the entire village came out and sang too!” – Val Riziotis, Cheam Common Infants’ School, Surrey

Singing just one song is enough to take part, but of course you may wish to do more. Hundreds of schools have held assemblies or created lessons for Peace Day whilst others have held concerts or singing days and invited friends, parents, other schools and community members to join them.

What should our school sing?

You can sing whatever you think is appropriate for your school and for peace and unity!

We also have 5 songs you can use for free below, plus our new round, and some assembly/lesson suggestions from schools, so help yourselves.

‘Sing a Song in Unison’ has kindly been provided by Out of the Ark Music please use the discount code “PEACE” during the checkout process.

‘I’ve got peace like a river’ including scores and audio tracks, from Sing Up. You can login as a free Friend to access the song and additional teaching ideas.

‘A Peace Blessing’ by Karen Kirkland has been dedicated for our use.
Download SATB .PDF
Download Solo, Unison .PDF

‘Together as One’ has been dedicated by Rebecca Lawrence for our use.
Download .PDF

Global Song Circle Song

June’s global song circle is the traditional South African Zulu song called Thina Singu – it’s taught here by our Music Director Jeremy Haneman and sung by the amazing globally renowned King’s Singers. Enjoy learning the song and please film and share on social media with the hashtags – #globalsongcircle #MakeMusicDay #FindingHarmony

Sign Up and Sing!

15 + 13 =

Social share!

So please, sign your school up to sing with us on Peace Day and share what you are doing, and our project, with as many other schools and community groups as you can – and on social media using #onedayonechoir.  Thank you

Useful downloads

You can help yourself to our logo …

What Schools Say

The first time we joined in we stood outside the school gates to perform so that parents and passers by could hear us singing for peace.  Last year we invited 6 other schools to join us and held a singing afternoon for peace in our school.
Colegio Northern Hills, Argentina

We love this simple and effective project for peace – it’s a great start to the beginning of the school year and fits perfectly into all our mindfulness and community work as well.
Nathan Boller

Deputy Head Teacher, Australia

This project is wonderful and what we are all singing for is needed now more than ever; we’re delighted to be a part of it.
Music Administrator

Lincoln Cathedral Music School

We educate thousands and thousands of children in more than 700 schools and we want to do this in all of them.
Seema Aziz, Director

Care Foundation Schools, Pakistan

I would love to be an ambassador as I really think this is a fantastic initiative for schools.
Stephen Morris, Director of Expressive Arts

Brittanica International School, Shanghai

Singing with us on Peace Day also helps to fulfill Global Goal 16, for Peace and Justice.

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