Become part of a global choir for peace

Anyone, anywhere can join

Sing on Peace Day September 21st

Choir: kwahyuhr/noun - a group of people who sing together

Spread the word, sign up and sing!

Welcome to One Day One Choir

One Day One Choir is an inspiring global peace initiative which uses the harmonious power of singing together to unite people around the world on Peace Day, September 21st.

Since we began in 2014 – as a response to growing unrest and conflict in the world – more than a million people, from all walks of life and a huge array of different singing groups, have joined in and sung with us in more than 70 countries.

We’re now delighted to share with you that through a new collaboration with Uplift, called Global Song Circle, we will be sharing free songs for you to learn and sing in your communities every month. You can see this month’s song below and access all of the other songs here.

We’d love you to join in too please, to add your voices to our growing ‘global choir’ for peace and to help make a difference where you live by bringing people together in your community to sing monthly with a focus on unity and peace and how we might find ways to work towards it – peace at home, at school, in our workplaces and communities – and around the world.
Thank you.

Social share!

Please, sign up to sing with us on Peace Day and on a monthly basis, share what you are doing, and our project, with as many other friends, singers, community, choir, social and school groups as you can - and on social media using #globalsongcircle and #onedayonechoir.

What a brilliant and inspiring idea. I urge anyone who loves their singing to join in and be a part of this mighty Chorus of Goodwill across the globe; making the unifying voice of song a unifying voice for peace.
Howard Goodall

CBE - EMMY, BRIT and BAFTA award-winning composer and broadcaster

Twitter feed is not available at the moment.

Latest News

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Happy International Day of Peace 2018!

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Signing up to sing for 2018 and GDPR

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